Tender & Flavorful Venison Ribs Recipe

When it comes to crafting a delicious Venison Ribs Recipe, there are numerous aspects that can affect the outcome of tenderness and taste. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of preparing venison ribs for cooking, ensuring optimal taste and texture.

From par-cooking techniques such as pressure cooking and slow cooking to exploring different seasoning options like dry rubs and agrodolce sauce, our Venison Ribs Recipe will leave no stone unturned in helping you create a mouthwatering dish. Furthermore, we’ll discuss finishing methods like baking, smoking, or grilling for that ideal finish tailored specifically towards wild game meats.

Last but not least, we’ll provide some serving suggestions and side dishes that complement your venison ribs perfectly. By following our expert advice on each step of the process from preparation to plating up these delicious deer ribs – you’re guaranteed an unforgettable meal!

Table of Contents:

Get Your Venison Ribs Ready for Cooking

For tender and flavorful venison ribs, remove the membrane and trim excess fat before cutting the rack into manageable sizes.

Removing the Tough Membrane

Slide a butter knife under the membrane at one end of the rack, grip with a paper towel, and pull slowly across the entire length of the rack to detach it.

Trimming Excess Fat

Use a sharp knife to carefully trim any visible chunks of excess fat without cutting too deeply into the meat.

  • TIP: Save trimmed fat pieces in freezer bags for rendering down later use in recipes calling for animal fats.

Cutting into Manageable Sizes

Cut the rib rack into 4-6 inch strips containing 3 to 4 rib pieces each using a hacksaw or bone saw for easier handling and even cooking.

Now that your venison ribs are prepped, it’s time to explore par-cooking techniques for the perfect finish.

Par-Cooking Techniques for Tender Deer Ribs

Get ready to sink your teeth into some delicious venison ribs, but first, let’s talk about the importance of par-cooking to achieve maximum tenderness and flavor.

Pressure Cooking for Fast and Flavorful Ribs

For a quick and efficient cooking method, try pressure cooking your deer ribs with enough liquid to cover them halfway, like root beer, for 30 minutes at full pressure.

Slow Cooking for a Hands-Off Approach

For a less hands-on approach, you can slow cook your deer ribs in a crockpot or slow cooker with liquid like root beer to cover them halfway for up to six hours on low heat.

Tips for Perfect Ribs

  • Go easy on the salt, as some liquids can intensify its flavor when cooked down.
  • Sprinkle some rosemary or thyme for a tasty kick.
  • Keep an eye on the ribs and add more liquid if needed to prevent drying out.

Try Root Beer for a Unique Twist

For a unique twist on your venison ribs, try using root beer as your cooking liquid to infuse the meat with sweet and tangy flavors that complement the gamey taste of venison perfectly.

With these par-cooking techniques and tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating mouthwatering deer rib dishes that will leave your taste buds begging for more.

Flavor Enhancements through Seasonings & Sauces

Make your venison ribs taste amazing with these seasoning and sauce options that will also help tenderize the meat.

Dry rubs featuring salt, garlic powder & onion powder

Spice up your venison ribs with a simple dry rub mixture of salt, garlic powder, and onion powder, or customize it with other spices like paprika or cayenne pepper.

Barbecue sauces tailored specifically towards wild game meats

For saucy ribs, try barbecue sauce recipes designed for wild game meats like venison, which often contain ingredients like molasses or brown sugar to balance out any gaminess in the meat.

  • Tangy BBQ Sauce: Ketchup, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, mustard powder, salt, and pepper.
  • Sweet & Spicy BBQ Sauce: Honey, hot sauce, soy sauce, garlic powder, and onion powder.

Agrodolce – Sweet & Sour Sauce recipe

Try something different with an Italian-inspired agrodolce (sweet and sour) sauce made with balsamic vinegar and saba (a sweet grape must) that pairs well with mashed potatoes.

  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, mix equal parts balsamic vinegar and saba to create an agrodolce (sweet and sour) syrup.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Cook until the mixture reduces by half and becomes syrupy.
  4. Serve as a dipping sauce or drizzle on top of cooked venison ribs.

Experiment with different seasonings and sauces to create deliciously flavored deer ribs that will have everyone asking for seconds.

Finishing Methods – Baking vs Smoking vs Grilling Venison Ribs

Par-cooked venison ribs? No problem. Here are three finishing methods to make them even more delicious.

Baking Venison Ribs for a Tender Finish

Bake your ribs for an hour at 300°F with wild game barbecue sauce for tender meat.

  • Pros: Easy preparation; results in tender meat.
  • Cons: Less smoky flavor; may require more frequent basting.

Smoking Deer Ribs for Enhanced Flavor

Smoke your ribs for an hour at 225°F with hickory or applewood chips, basting with barbecue sauce every 20 minutes.

  • Pros: Imparts a deep smoky flavor; can be customized with different wood chips.
  • Cons: Requires more attention; may take longer than other methods.

Grilling Techniques and Tips for Even Heating

Grill your ribs over indirect heat for 20-30 minutes, basting with wild game barbecue sauce, then move them closer to direct heat to caramelize the sauce.

  • Pros: Quick cooking method; achieves a nice charred exterior while maintaining tenderness inside.
  • Cons: Requires careful monitoring; may result in uneven heating if not done correctly.

Remember to experiment with new techniques and flavors to perfect your venison ribs.

Serving Suggestions & Side Dishes

Ready to serve up some delicious venison ribs? Here are some fantastic side dishes and serving suggestions to complement your game meat.

Mashed Potato Pairings

Garlic mashed potatoes are a classic side dish that pairs well with venison ribs, or try mashed sweet potatoes for a touch of natural sweetness.

Sloppy Venison Rib Sandwich Recipe

Turn your tender venison rib pieces into a mouthwatering sloppy sandwich with your favorite barbecue sauce, bread and butter pickles, and provolone cheese.

Other Side Dish Ideas

Grilled vegetable salad, garlic roasted Brussels sprouts, baked beans, and macaroni salad are all great options to pair with your venison ribs.

Try experimenting with unique flavors and sides to discover the ideal pairing for your palate. Happy cooking.

FAQs in Relation to Venison Ribs Recipe

Are Venison Ribs Worth Trying?

Venison ribs can be a delicious and unique addition to your meat dishes, offering a leaner yet rich and gamey flavor.

How to Keep Ribs Moist?

Slow cooking methods like pressure cooking or braising with liquids such as broth or root beer can help break down connective tissues while retaining moisture for tender, juicy results.

Do People Actually Eat Venison Ribs?

Absolutely. Many hunters and cooks enjoy the unique taste profile of venison and prepare it using various cooking methods like baking, smoking, or grilling.

How Long to Smoke Venison Ribs?

For optimal tenderness, smoke venison ribs at 225°F (107°C) for about 5-6 hours, making sure to maintain consistent temperature throughout the process.


Preparing venison ribs may require a bit more effort than beef or pork, but the end result is worth it – remove the membrane and excess fat, cut into manageable sizes, and enhance the flavor with seasonings and sauces.

Par-cooking with pressure or slow cooking methods will ensure tender and flavorful deer ribs, and finishing techniques like baking, smoking, or grilling will add another layer of taste to your dish.

For a twist, consider serving your venison rib recipe as a Sloppy Venison Rib Sandwich or pair it with mashed potatoes – the possibilities for side dishes are endless!

With these tips in mind, impress your hunting party or dinner guests with a delicious meal that’s sure to satisfy.

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